narzedzia - Strug Struggling

Strug Struggling

Wasze zdanie:
  • omd comme elle s'éclate par terre !
  • She had a stressfracture in her lowerback.
  • her parents didnt even come to her when she fell...??
  • GEEZUS! Just saw this for the first time when NBC played the Magnificent 7 retrospective. And her legend grows!
  • ` shes so brave, cos she went to the olympics after this D:
  • She was actually supposed to swing in that direction and go into a straddle back but didn't have a good grip on the bar. That was part of the compulsory bar routine at the time. I'm not sure why becasue it's a dangerous skill if you peel off the bar like this.
  • lol i know me too but maybe they weren't aloud or something
  • they dont let them in a competition
  • she got a stress fracture on her back. the doctors said she probably had it already, and the fall worsened it
  • did she break her ribs or something
  • I just saw this tonight also.
  • oh god. that happened to me. exactly. this is terrifying.
  • her dad did cum but the camera doesn't show it. kerri said so herself in her biography
  • lol? the parents should be there regardless of whether they "let them." she's gasping for help but they don't come because they're not allowed? oookay.
  • How long ago did this take place?
  • dude she's in pain
  • Me 2 poor kerri she has gone true a lot she is super tough love u kerri!
  • i know me too
  • lol.
  • "ow. help me!" <3
  • Zobacz też: nie ma już nic więcej.


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