narzedzia - ballet flames of paris don q ulian topor

ballet flames of paris don q ulian topor

Wasze zdanie:
  • Wow! Beautiful quality
  • one of the best dancer i ever meet, good lob ulian
  • really beautiful.
  • ulian topor, i really like your work. keep up the good work!!!!!
  • Could I give it 7 stars? Look at his back knee, it's always turned out. That's how it's done son, that's how it's done.
  • great technique
  • his releve!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o_O
  • that 540 is insane!!!!! i don't think i've ever seen one where the dancers body is completely facing the floor during the jump
  • his demi pointe is like "oh my life!"
  • Where is the big plié before de pirouettes ? Of the rest..very good work ! You are amazing ! :)
  • very nice, except for those clumsy 540's.... very soviet folkdancing preparation....
  • Zobacz też: nie ma już nic więcej.


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